Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Logan, 18 months old!

WOW! Where has the time gone? Our baby is now 18 months old, and I feel like we were bringing him home from the hospital just the other day. We are enjoying this little man so immensely that we can hardly breathe at times. Watching him grow and play with his big brother brings us so much joy! Ben and Logan are such good friends, buddies, playmates, and brothers. They love each other so much. They both look for each other when they first wake up in the morning, and their eyes truly shine upon the sight of each other. Logan has proven to be quite the adventurer. He fears nothing and loves to play more than anything else---well, maybe not more than his love for eating. :-) He is a snuggler, loving little boy---who really loves his mommy. I am so proud to say that he is a "momma's boy".

We went to his 18 month well-child check yesterday and everything went well. Logan is 26 lbs 12 oz, and 32 inches tall. He is at the 70% for weight and 50% for height. By all means, he is a big boy. His doctor has referred us to ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) because Logan is not talking yet. His only understandable word is "mama". He is vocal, however does not use understadable language. He says a lot of "gah", "guh", grunts, and even growls. He uses sign language and is able to point to what he wants or needs. So, ECI will come to the house for an evaluation and if they believe he needs speech therapy, they will provide a means for him to get that. Logan loves to be read to; and we are constantly try to engage him in conversation. Randy and I have been concerned with his speech delays for awhile now, so we feel good about the ECI referral. We are not worried; we have so many friends that have said the 2nd child talks later (especially since Ben talks a lot), and we are confident that Logan is a normal, playful, happy little boy. The evaluation will just determine if he needs more than what we can provide in our home. I'll keep you posted on what happens!


Mary said...

Hi Kristen,
Jusst thought I'd tell you your dad and Terry didn't talk until late either! They got what they wanted by pointing so didn't have to talk. Mama finally ignored the points and noises, and they both talked!

Kimberly said...

Wow. I didn't know that, but I'm going to remember it for the future possibilities. Especially because Steve was a late talker too. His mom says he pointed to everything and demanded a definition, but didn't speak until he could do so clearly and almost in sentences. Logan looks so healthy and happy, I wouldn't worry to much Kristen!

Bristelle said...

We did ECI with Gavin around 18 months due to his talking like he was underwater! He had had lots of ear trouble and we found out that his hearing had been compromised for about 6 months. He had 2 sets of tubes and ECI speech therapy for about 6 months and at 4 is doing great. I actually just had someone comment the other day on how much, how well and how large his vocabulary is for a 4 year old the other day! ECI is wonderful! The therapists give so much info that is actually really simple, you just wouldn't think of it yourself. Keep us posted... Hopefully little Logan will be talking up a storm in no time!