Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Milestones with the Hood Family

The Hoods have hit some big milestones lately that we are quite proud and excited about.

1. LOGAN IS WALKING!!! My baby started walking when he was 9 1/2 months old---and now at 10 months old is getting so brave, even trying to step up a stair or two. I think he will be running before his 1st birthday! Randy and I thought Ben was an early walker, at 10 1/2 months, but Logan proved he was ready before that marker! I think he just wants to keep up with big brother...

2. BEN HASN'T HAD TO BE ADMITTED INTO THE HOSPITAL FOR 1 YEAR!!! Ben's last IVIG infusion was Sept 10th, 2008. Randy and I feel so blessed that Ben has been able to stay healthy for so long. Yes, we have had a couple of stomach viruses, and one infection requiring antiobiotics, but for the most he has been great! We continue to go in for blood work and labs, and still his lab work comes back looking absolutely pitiful---we just can't understand with such bad labs why this kid has been so healthy---but he presents himself medically stable and healthy! Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow! We count our blessings every day, because we know he is still vulnerable.

3. KRISTEN IS STARTING A NEW JOB!!! (What?!?) I know, it felt weird typing that sentence because I absolutely LOVE staying at home with my kiddos. However, I also love being a nurse too. And recently, I was presented with an opportunity where I could do some nursing education, and not have to leave my kids during the day. Santa Rosa opened a new hospital at Westover Hills/Sea World area, and I have been asked to help with patient education classes for the women's services department. I will be helping with breastfeeding classes, childbirth classes, infant care classes, and even teaching some Friends/Family CPR classes. For those of you who know me well, you know that patient education is a passion of mine---and this opportunity is such a blessing for me. I will be able to continue to have my hand in the nursing field and continue to stay at home with my kids. The best of both worlds... My first breastfeeding class is tomorrow, so wish me luck! I am really excited about it! I think it will be fun. :-)

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