Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter Weekend 2011

We had a fabulous Easter weekend. My sister Kara came into town on Thursday and stayed through Sunday. Her husband, Paul, came on Friday afternoon after he got out of work in Corpus Christi. Kara and I enjoyed a Thursday "Sister's Lunch" at the Bistro in Nordstrom's and a little bit of shopping afterward at La Cantera.

Obviously, the big event for the kids (besides playing with Uncle Paul and Aunt Kara!), was Easter day with church and 2 egg hunts! We started the night before and let Ben dye some hard-boiled eggs. He had never done this before, and thought it was great. :-)

After church on Sunday, the Easter bunny had visited Mimi and Gran's house. The boys got to hunt the eggs at their house and then we enjoyed an incredibly delicious Easter lunch that Mimi had prepared. She went all out---china, silver, and fine linens. It was marvelous. We ate so much we could hardly move! My mouth still waters at the thought of the ham she made...yum!

Here are some pictures of the boys hunting eggs at Mimi and Gran's house.

After lunch, we walked home to find that the Easter bunny had come to our house while we were at church!! He left goodies on the porch and lots of eggs in the yard. Each of the boys got a scooter---and they haven't stopped riding them since! They were a hit!

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