Thursday, June 18, 2009

Logan's 1st Ear Infection

I took both boys to the doctor today because they both came down with a cough this week, and after a few days, Ben told me his throat hurt too. The coughing really hasn't been bad, only a few coughing spells when they are sleeping (nap and night time), but the coughing has woken up both boys from their sleep at least once this week. So, to be on the safe side, and being the over-cautious mom that I am, I took them in to see the pediatrician.

Ben is okay. Probably just got a cold from a friend that was over a few days ago; no signs of infection but his throat is red from drainage (thus, the coughing when asleep).

Logan, however, has his 1st ear infection. :-( I had no idea! I took him into the doctor a couple of weeks ago, because he kept pulling on his ears and was fussy and quite clingy. I was sure he had an ear infection 2 weeks ago, but alas, no. Just teething. His front 2 teeth are really swollen and should be popping out any day. So in the last 2 weeks, I have attributed all ear-pulling to him teething. In hindsight, he has been a bit more fussy and clingy the last few days, but really nothing major! He is sleeping through the night; no fever; no irritability...none of the regular signs of infection we always saw with Ben. I felt so bad when the doctor said, "Well, Logan has a raging ear infection...I am surprised he is not more uncomfortable!" My poor baby! So, we start our 1st round of antibiotics, hopefully the amoxicillin will work. After his 1st dose of the medicine at lunch, he had a great nap (2 1/2 hours!) and actually woke up happy. (I guess I hadn't paid enough attention to the fact that he was waking up crying all the time until now!) In retrospect, sometimes these little things make me, as a Mommy, feel so bad. :-(

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