Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Funny Toddler Quotes!

1. Ben, Logan and I have been spending a LOT of time outside since the weather has been so nice and warm. However, the other day it was quite windy and Ben, for some odd reason, doesn't like the wind. He was pedaling his bicycle around the deck, when all the sudden he stopped and started yelling and pointing his finger up to the sky, saying, "God, You better stop this wind right now! It's making me crazy!" Hmmm, wonder where he ever heard something like that before...

2. Ben and I were swinging on his playground in the backyard talking about the concept of "family". We started talking about each other's full names, like "Benjamin Aaron Hood", etc. And Ben recited his full name as well as Logan's full name (Logan Rees Hood). I asked him what Mommy and Daddy's full names were, and he said "Mommy Aaron Hood" and "Daddy Rees Hood". I said, "well actually, Mommy's name is 'Kristen Nicole Rees Hood'"...and Ben promptly said, "Mommy, you have a cold?" (Get it? Nicole...cold?)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Kids are so funny! Hailey tells people "This is my Mommy Jennifer Ranney Townsend and Me and Tyler came from her tummy."