Friday, July 9, 2010

Sweet boy

Today, as Ben was leaving the house to walk up to Mimi's while Logan had speech therapy, I yelled to him,

"Ben, I am so proud of you! You are such a big boy walking to Mimi's!
Be safe! I love you!"
(please know that yes, he walked by himself, but Mimi walks down at the same time, so they meet about half way---and my parents are a mere 3 houses up the street)
And Ben turns around and says,
"Mommy, I love you too; and I'm so proud of you!
You're such a big girl!"
And he turns around once more before he gets to the end of the sidewalk and says,
"Logi! Good luck learning how to talk today!"
Ben has such a sweet and soft heart. His love and his innocense is so pure and honest.


Bristelle said...

You do have such a sweet boy!! What a treasure!

Steph, Robert, Zach & Ashton said...

Aw! That's so sweet!

Leslie said...

That is adorable!

The Scully Family said...

What a sweet boy!