Monday, August 23, 2010

Whip 'Em Out!

August is Breastfeeding Awareness month. And as a mom who breastfed both her babies, and as a RN who teaches breastfeeding classes twice a month, I know how important and beneficial breastfeeding is to both mom and baby.

The Bump published a great video, called "Whip 'Em Out", in honor of Breastfeeding Awareness month. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope that those of you that have breastfed, are breastfeeding, and those who plan to breastfeed future babies feel supported in your decision and confident in knowing that you are doing the best for you and your baby.


knmadden said...


Lauren said...

I love this!!! I don't know how I missed this video. One thing that stood out to me was "you need to get over the hump" and then it is smooth sailing! I think women need more support in the hospital because the first few days can be so hard! Thanks for sharing :)