We have been potty training Logan for approximately the last 4-5 months. He wears underwear most of the time (unless we are going out in public) and has overall done a great job. He will not consistently tell us when he needs to go potty---however, he
has done this, so we
know he can! And for some reason recently, he has regressed...insisting to wear pull-ups, soiling his underwear, crying when we put him on the potty, etc. So this morning, Randy wanted to run an errand to Lowe's with the boys. We told Logan to go potty, or else he could not go...he refused with crying and throwing a sobbing fit---but there was no way this momma was going to back down from the ultimatum (even though I have a serious weakness for this kid). So I told Randy and Ben to go on, and told Logan that he was going to stay home with momma. He proceeded to go upstairs, find his pacifier and lovey and came back to pout on the couch in my room. Since I was not indulging his mood, I left and came back a few minutes later to this....

This sweet baby had pouted his way into so much grief, that he fell asleep crying... I feel horrible that he fell asleep crying...but to what extent will he learn to use the potty??? Oh, the trials and tribulations of
potty training...err,
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