Well, I am back to blogging...sort of. I am still having Blogger problems publishing posts with pictures and I cannot figure out why! (argh) So I set up a WordPress account, but it is really foreign to me, and I cannot figure it out (at this point, I would pay someone money to set it up and teach me how to use it! Any takers??). So for now I downloaded an app that allows me to blog from an iPhone, iPad, etc. It is not nearly as convenient, but at least I can upload posts!!
We have been very busy around the Hood home! We are getting Ben ready for his 1st day of Kindergarten---starts a week from Monday!! He is very excited; and his momma is nervous! (I wish I could stay with him all day on his 1st day!) But I know he is going to do great and absolutely love school.
Logan is also returning to Parkhills Preschool the beginning of September. I think Logan will have the biggest adjustment to Ben starting kindergarten. He will miss his best friend
tremendously. However, we are expecting Hood #3 at the beginning of the year (!!), so he won't be "alone" too long.
I also started a "new" job this summer. I am back working for Santa Rosa hospital full-time, serving as their lactation nurse, as well as one of their designated nursery nurses. At our facility, we do not have a staffed nursery, but if we have a baby that is ill or at delivery is compromised, I am pulled to help care for the baby. Since I have neonatal experience, I am one of the most qualified nurses on our unit to care for some of the most sick infants. So far, it has been a great transition back to hospital nursing. I love the unit and women I work with, and I have a very supportive manager. I have been very happy with my decision to go back to the hospital. (I will miss several friends I made in the elementary that I served, but ultimately this has been a great decision for me and my family.)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone