This Halloween was a new experience for us as a family. This was the first year that Ben has wanted to wear a costume for Halloween. If you have followed Ben's story with us for awhile, you know that Ben has had a phobia of costumes; in the past he hasn't liked anyone to wear them and he has never wanted to wear a costume either. BUT this year, I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween---and he said a "dinosaur"!! I was excited about the potential that he would wear a costume, so we looked online and found a costume that would be perfect for him. Wearing a costume is a very big step for Ben, and Randy and I were so proud of him. So, here are our sweet boys dressed and ready to go Trick or Treating!
Ben, as a Dinosaur
Logan, as Buzz Lightyear

We packed them into the wagon and started walking down the street for some treats!

At our first house...Ben was a little shy to say "Trick or Treat" very loud, but as we went along he started feeling more comfortable.

This is the best side-shot of Ben; can you see the dinosaur tail behind him and the dinosaur feet on top of his shoes? :-)

We went to Ben's "buddy" Colonel Green across the street...

...and he surprised Ben with his own costume: a baseball hat with a wig underneath! He looked like someone out of Wayne's World movie, and Ben just wasn't too sure about his "buddy" in a costume. He told me as we were walking away that "Colonel was so weird dressed up as a rockstar!"

Cutest Buzz Lightyear you've ever seen!

Of course we stopped at Mimi and Gran's for some yummy treats too!

And at the end of our trick or treating, the kids dumped out their pumpkin baskets and started counting their loot. Look at the excitement on their faces!

We hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween!
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