After years (over 4!) of saying we were going to get together, we finally did! Leslie, Stephanie, Mary Ann, and I grew up together since elementary school in Dripping Springs and now we all have children about the same ages. We had a wonderful "reunion" playdate over Spring Break at our home---thank you girls for all traveling down to good 'ole SA! All of our kids got along GREAT, and the moms had a wonderful time visiting and catching up on the latest news. With a couple of exceptions, we had never met each other's children, although we all felt like we already knew each other's beautiful children, because we are "bloggers"---and love to blog about our kids! I didn't take many pictures, but Stephanie and Leslie have amazing cameras, and they took many more---so you can check out their blogs (here: and soon for more playdate pics!
Morgan Owens (Mary Ann's oldest) and Logan playing in the wagon together.

Ashton Torres (Stephanie's youngest) snackin' at the picnic table.

Me and Hadley (Mary Ann's youngest; she has 3 girls!)

The whole group! From left to right: Leslie and Tyler (and baby Austin, 7 months in utero!); Stephanie, Ashton, and Zach; Ben, Logan, and me; Cadence, Mary Ann, Hadley, and Morgan.

Me and my boys had such a wonderful time playing and visiting with everyone. We need to make this an annual playdate! I feel blessed to know these exceptional women (and mothers!), and look forward to our next visit. Love you all!
Cutest group of kids (and mommas) ever!!
How fun!! Glad you girls got the chance to catch up and meet the kiddos!
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