Since Logan started walking, we bought him his first pair of "real" tennis shoes! He seems to like them and seems to be walking more stable in them also! But, with this new found independence, has come a new "attitude" with Logan. It seems that we are noticing more tantrums because he gets frustrated (ex: can't reach something, open something, climb something, etc.)! Little Logan has attitude! And so often, Randy and I have 2 reactions to these tantrums: 1.
just watch in amazement that our little man has
so much drama; or 2.
laugh---because it really is funny!
Here is Logan sporting his new shoes!

Ooops! Got caught making a mess of Mommy's kleenex box! (What baby hasn't done this?!?)

Trying to run away, so I don't have to clean up my mess!

And Logan, just about to "sport" some attitude because Ben (behind the scenes) isn't letting him have a toy. Too bad I didn't get the "attitude" was comical! :-)
So handsome!!
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