So our weekend in POC didn't go exactly to plan...of course, with kids, you can never expect things go according to plan. Evidently some slightly "off" behavior of Ben on Friday should have been tell-tale signs for me that he wasn't feeling so good. But Ben hasn't been sick in a long time, so I really played off the behaviors as not having enough sleep the last couple of days, due to Sea World and having to take his nap in the car heading to POC (naps in cars are never as good as a bed!). Anyway, Ben slept BAD Friday night. He was up every couple of hours, crying and fussing. He evidently had a fever that broke in the night too, because he woke up drenched with sweat in the cool bedroom. And when we eventually got up in the morning, he was laying around, not playing, complaining that his throat hurt really bad. So, after breakfast, Randy and I loaded up in the Tahoe and headed to Port Lavaca Memorial Hospital. It was our 1st trip to this hospital. It was very small, but nice and very clean. (This nurse was impressed!) After seeing the doctor (who was really weird), Ben's strep and flu test came back negative (thank goodness), but his throat was really red. And since he had been having fever, we got an antibiotic anyway to cover what might be going on. With Ben's immune disorder, we can never be too safe. So after spending most of the day in Port Lavaca, we headed back home to POC. With Motrin and antibiotic, Ben felt better and was able to play between doses and even got to go fishing. Here's my little fisherman. Ben caught his 2nd fish---a small trout! Yea Ben! He was very excited!
Heading to the dock to fish with Daddy and Gran!

Waiting for Daddy to rig up Ben's fishing pole!

Ben and Gran---fishing buddies.

Ben and Daddy---watching their bobber!

Still watching...
He caught something! A little speckled trout!

Proud Ben posing with his catch of the day!

Happy Fisherman!
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