Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Joys of Parenthood at Dinner time

Oh, How I love dinner time... Ben making it quite apparent that he doesn't like what is for dinner...

Ben making his "mad face" at me, after telling him to eat what is on his plate...or else...

Crying and throwing a tantrum over mashed potatoes and peas...for real.

Now here he is really losing it...and if you could see me, well, I am trying my best not to laugh at him because it all is pretty comical to me....if I wasn't laughing, I would be crying too....because this is how dinner time----errr, anytime--- goes in the Hood home when Ben doesn't get his way. Oh, the joys of dinner time---errr, toddler-hood!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, May 11, 2009

My First Strawberry!

Mmmmm, Mmmm Good!

Logan's Baptism

Logan was baptized on Mother's Day at Coker UMC. Our families were in attendance and afterwards, we hosted everyone to a brunch at the Magnolia Pancake Haus. Everyone seemed to have a great time (Ben had a little too much fun...and paid for it later by his momma...but that's another story! Arghhh, toddlers...). We loved having all of our family together and celebrate the special service for Logan. He was such a good baby, was bright eyed the entire time, and never cried! Pastors Barbara, Sharon and Roy baptizing and laying hands on Logan.
The Hoods with Pastor Sharon.
Cousin Becca going in for a big smooch! She is definitely a "little momma" and wanted to be around Logan a lot! She was soooo cute!
Oma with all of her great-grandchildren.
Daddy, Logan, and Poppy playing around after brunch! (I think I see where Logan gets his chubby you?) :-)

Chucky Cheese

A few weeks ago, while Logan and I went to visit my best friends for a day up in Temple, my mom took Ben to Chucky Cheese. He hasn't stopped talking about that trip since! So, after incessant talking about going to Chucky Cheese, my parents finally caved in, and took him to Chucky Cheese again this past Saturday! Here are some pics of my sweet boy at Chucky Cheese.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Are you my brother?

Are you my brother?
(In these pictures, Logan and Ben are the same age...6 months old.)

Logan is 6 months old!

I took Logan to his 6 month check up this week! I CANNOT believe he is 6 months old. Time has literally flown by. His check up went great. He is a very healthy baby. Despite mom's predictions, he is still a bit smaller than what his big brother was at this age. I guess I don't remember how big Ben was...ummm, still is! Anyway, here are his stats:

17 lbs 13 oz, 50% weight
28 inches long, 90% height
(Ben was 18 lbs 8 oz and 28 1/2 inches.)