Randy and I hosted our families for a fun-filled fishing and spa weekend at Falcon Point Bay Club, in Seadrift, Texas. Randy and I are land-owners there, and enjoy using the lodge as much as possible. It is a great place for a retreat! It was Randy's 30th Birthday weekend, and everyone had a great time. Here are some pictures of everyone having fun!

Logan enjoying his stroller!

Ryan, my brother, and his son, Jack. Getting ready for a boat ride with Gran!

Kylee Thompson (I adopted her for the weekend because her mom had to stay home with her little brother Colton, who had pneumonia! We missed you Colton and Marti!)
Evan and Laura Hood---our nieces.

Everyone ready for the boat ride!

Kara and Paul kayaking.

Logan and Momma enjoying the early morning sun rise and watching the birds work the fish along the coastline. It was beautiful---and a little chilly!

We did a lot of late night fishing from the pier. Here is Ben, puckering to give his fish a kiss!

Randy was helping Ben cast his rod into the water---and just as he was handing it back to Ben to fish with, the line zipped out and Randy hooked a BIG redfish! Nevertheless, the redfish was strong and couldn't give the rod back to Ben (there was no way Ben could hang on to it!). Randy fought that redfish for about 30-45 minutes before landing him! It was the highlight of the night---catching a 29 inch Redfish on a 30 inch Zebco fishing rod! Too funny...

Kylee and Scott Thompson---with Kylee's first fish of the evening! I don't know who was more proud...

Andy, Randy's brother, showing off one of his catches!

Happy Birthday Randy!

Ben and Kylee, helping Randy blow out all of his candles!

Logan bundled up on a walk out onto the pier!

"Ranger Bobby" and all the kids posing for a picture after the safari! Falcon Point has a 6,000 acre exotic game ranch, and "Ranger Bobby" took the kids out twice to see all the animals. They loved it!

Mimi with Ben and Logan! Having fun!
Looks like y'all had a great time!!
WOWWWWW! Steve joins the CCA fishing tournament every year....that redfish would make him drool! Happy Birthday Randy!
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