Thursday, December 17, 2009
Happy 4th Birthday Ben!
Birth Day: 12/17/05
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A Visit with Santa
My mom and I took the boys to see Santa this past Friday. Ben was so excited to see Santa---and told him all of the toys he wanted this year (mainly more dinosaurs and "Cars" cars). Logan, on the other hand, was not thrilled to see, or sit, on Santa's lap at all. He cried throughout the entire visit. I guess every kid needs a crying-with-Santa picture, and we sure got Logan's this year. The photo below, is not a very good photo of the boys with Santa (it's a copy), but until I can find my USB cord to download more pictures from my camera, this will have to do! (I've got a really good one of Logan screaming...but I guess that will have to wait...until I find that darn cord...)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Weekend Getaway
In the middle of November, Randy and I were able to getaway for a long weekend, without kids! We traveled to Rockwall, northeast of Dallas, for one of my best friend's wedding. Joanne Chiang married a very sweet man, Izzy DeHerrera. And while I don't have any pictures of the cute couple myself (what was I thinking!?), you can find some here at a friends' blog:
But while we were in the Dallas area, Randy and I were able to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted....because remember, we didn't have any kids with us! :-) We had a great time sleeping in, eating on our time schedule, shopping, enjoying each other...
....visiting with a dear, old, childhood friend and her sweet, adorable family. (You can check out more of her cute blog here:
...and visiting with best friends from college and their absolutely precious, almost one-year-old daughter, Lauren. (She was so cute, I could have eaten her up for lunch!)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Attitude of Gratitude
I am eternally grateful for...
I have been so blessed in my life, and not one day goes by that I don't thank my Lord for everything in my life. I hope this Thanksgiving you have more than a "few extra pounds" to share with your loved ones. I hope you share an "attitude of gratitude" with your family and friends this holiday season---isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Logan!
Halloween 2009
Here's my Cute Punkin!
Requires Power Tools
Friday, October 30, 2009
Pink Cheeks
We had a bit of a "cold snap" come through San Antonio yesterday. So chilly in fact, that we had to pull out the kids' jackets to play outside this morning! Of course, our cold front was nothing like that my cousin is experiencing in Fort Collins, CO! ( Whew! Now, THAT is some cold weather! :-)
If you look closely, you can see that Logan's cheeks and the tip of his nose were pink from the cold! Here is my sweet, almost-one-year-old Logan swinging. He loves to play outside!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Zipline Fun!!
Here is a picture of the maiden zip!
After the 1st time, he didn't want Daddy's help anymore. He runs it back and forth all by himself! And has a LOT of fun doing it! :-)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
This one's for you!
Ben was curious about what I was doing on the computer, so I showed him the blog....
And he asked, "Mommy, is this all about Logan?"
"Why are there so many pictures of Logan?"
Ohhh, I guess there are quite a few of Logan....oops!
When the toddler notices that there is an unfair number of Logan photos....I guess I need to try to fix it!
So, Ben! This one is for you! I love you!
Logan's 1st surgery
Oh! And if enduring surgery wasn't enough, his first molar broke through yesterday too. Poor baby...yesterday was a rough day!
Logan is getting to be such a big boy...
...that he now will sit on the "pot"....
...all by himself!
**Please note, I found him like this the other morning. I don't know how long he had been sitting on the "pot", but he was perfectly content when I found him! :-)
I like Bonnie's bed!
I don't know why, but Logan has been loving to sit in Bonnie's bed.
Bonnie doesn't so much love it though...