Last week at my OB check up appointment, we had scheduled an induction for Tuesday, Nov. 4th, because Logan was measuring to be a big baby. BUT, after a fun-filled Halloween festival with Ben and our good friends, the Crippens, I told Randy going to bed Friday night that I had a feeling that I was not going to make it through the weekend. I had a feeling that Logan was going to make his worldly entrance over the weekend. I was right! I woke up Saturday morning around 5am with some consistent contractions, about 8-9 minutes apart. I stayed home and labored all day and finally went to the hospital and was admitted around 5pm, with contractions about every 3-4 minutes. Things moved very quickly once I was admitted, and Logan was born at 9:30pm! This labor and delivery experience was much different (easier!) than with Ben---everything went so smoothly! Randy and I were so thankful for such a great experience and such a healthy baby boy! Here are some pictures of our journey over the weekend!

Here is a picture of Logan and I: pre-birth!

Logan and I; Logan is about 10 minutes old here!

My wide-eyed, big baby boy! Hello Logan! Welcome home!

Logan after his first bath with Daddy and the baby nurse.
Logan weighed in at 8 lbs 10 oz, 20 1/2 inches long! Big baby!

A very proud Daddy with his new son.

Ben getting to meet Logan for the first time.

Aunt Kara and Uncle Paul meeting Logan.

Ben smothering kisses on his new baby brother! So cute!

Going home Monday afternoon!

Here is a picture of my big helper, Ben! He loves to help Mommy change diapers. His favorite thing to ask is: "Mommy, what's that?..what's that?..."
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