Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Post rules on your blog.
Answer the six "4" items.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment.

4 Things I Did Yesterday:
Played Diego Playdoh with Ben.
Took Ben to get his Flu Shot. :-(
Got my new front loading washer and dryer installed.
Took an hour nap with my boys! (Loved it!) :-)

4 Things I Look Forward to:
Trips to the coast.
Hugs and Kisses from Ben.
Sleeping--any chance I get!
My husband coming home from work.

4 Restaurants I Like:
The Egg and I

4 Things On My Wish List: (in no particular order)
Vera Bradley accessories/bags
To sleep 8 hours straight through the night---dependent on Logan!
Spa day (Manicure/Pedicure/Massage)

4 Favorite TV Shows:
Private Practice
Grey's Anatomy
Law and Order: SVU

4 People I Tag: (Your It!)
Mary Ann

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

First Bath!

After 3 1/2 weeks, Logan's umbilical cord finally came off yesterday! I was so happy, because that meant that he could have a good, soaking, bath! No more sponge baths! Logan loved his first bath. He was very mellow and seemed to enjoy the warm water! Of course, he had a "death grip" on his Daddy's finger throughout the entire bath, but other than that, he seemed comfortable!

Logan meets the Rees cousins!

My brother Ryan, and his family came to meet Logan about a week ago. Jack and Becca were very excited to meet the new baby in the family! (Jack and Becca had just returned from a vacation in Cancun...thus, their very tan faces!) All of the cousins together!
Jack and Mimi with Logan.
Becca and Logan.
Aunt Jenny, Becca and Logan.

Daddy Time

Since Logan arrived, Randy has been taking Ben for special outings on the weekends---for "Daddy time". Here are some pics from a trip they took to the zoo a couple of weeks ago. The zoo is one of Ben's favorite places to go! Riding on a lion cub!
Crawling through a turtle shell.
Sandboxes never get old!
Looking at the big crocodile!
Picnic Time!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Quiet and Content

I can't seem to get over how different my boys are... Yes, they may look just like each other, but Logan is a much quieter, more content baby than Ben ever was. Here is Logan in one of his favorite positions (besides asleep!)---perched over a shoulder.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Logan: 2 weeks old

I took Logan for his 2 week check-up today with his pediatrician. He is now 9 lbs 4 oz and 21.75 inches long! He is growing like a weed...and I can't believe he is already 2 weeks old! Time has really flown by! Logan is a great baby; he is already sleeping 5-7 hours straight at night for me, before going back to feeding every 3 hours. Like Ben, Logan has reflux--but we were able to catch it early, and he is successfully being treated with medication. He is a very happy baby! Happy baby = Happy momma!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ben's Playground completed!

This past weekend, Randy and my dad (with Ben's help, of course!) completed the construction of Ben's new playground set. When Ben woke up from his nap it was complete---this first picture perfectly captures Ben's emotions when he went outside for the first time! Sheer joy and excitement!
Climbing the rock wall.

Exploring with his new telescope!

Sliding down...

And falling's a very slippery slide! He loved it! :-)


Logan and I had some wonderful visitors this weekend! Jocylen and Joanne, two of my best friends from college, came down for a visit on Sunday morning. It was so good to see both of them---I just wish the visit could have lasted longer! It meant so much to me for them to visit. I love you girls!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Meeting Great-Oma

Logan's Great-Oma came for a visit this weekend to meet her 4th great-grandchild. Here is a picture of their first meeting!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our beautiful family!

I was finally able to download more pictures from my parents' camera today. Here is a picture of our beautiful, newly-expanded family!

"Mommy, I have to work..."

Randy and I recently ordered a playground set for Ben's 3rd birthday. When we ordered it, the company said it would take 4-6 weeks to ship---it shipped in 2 days! So, it is quite an early birthday present; but Ben really doesn't know the difference anyway! This week, Randy and Ben have started putting it together in the backyard. Ben takes his "job" very seriously and is learning how to use a wrench, screwdriver, and tape measure. Randy says the construction of the playground set is taking much longer than he expected...because of his extra helper! :-) Here is Ben hard "at work". Every morning, the first thing Ben tells me is that he "needs to go to work"... just like Daddy does!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Logan's Birthday!

Last week at my OB check up appointment, we had scheduled an induction for Tuesday, Nov. 4th, because Logan was measuring to be a big baby. BUT, after a fun-filled Halloween festival with Ben and our good friends, the Crippens, I told Randy going to bed Friday night that I had a feeling that I was not going to make it through the weekend. I had a feeling that Logan was going to make his worldly entrance over the weekend. I was right! I woke up Saturday morning around 5am with some consistent contractions, about 8-9 minutes apart. I stayed home and labored all day and finally went to the hospital and was admitted around 5pm, with contractions about every 3-4 minutes. Things moved very quickly once I was admitted, and Logan was born at 9:30pm! This labor and delivery experience was much different (easier!) than with Ben---everything went so smoothly! Randy and I were so thankful for such a great experience and such a healthy baby boy! Here are some pictures of our journey over the weekend! Here is a picture of Logan and I: pre-birth!
Logan and I; Logan is about 10 minutes old here!

My wide-eyed, big baby boy! Hello Logan! Welcome home!

Logan after his first bath with Daddy and the baby nurse.
Logan weighed in at 8 lbs 10 oz, 20 1/2 inches long! Big baby!

A very proud Daddy with his new son.

Ben getting to meet Logan for the first time.

Aunt Kara and Uncle Paul meeting Logan.

Ben smothering kisses on his new baby brother! So cute!

Going home Monday afternoon!

Here is a picture of my big helper, Ben! He loves to help Mommy change diapers. His favorite thing to ask is: "Mommy, what's that?..what's that?..."

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Neighborhood Halloween Festival

Every year, our neighborhood, Hollywood Park, puts on a children's Halloween Festival. This was the first year we took Ben---he was very excited and had lots of fun! Here is Ben waiting for his friends, Jordan and Christian Crippen, to come over so we could all go to the festival together.
As you can see, Ben was NOT wanting to dress in a costume this year... in fact, he really didn't like being around anyone in a costume---notice Ben in the background, looking very skeptical---even of his friends! (Christian was "Super Why", and Jordan was "Batman".)

Some really cool (big) trikes! Ben was a big boy and could reach the peddles!

Playing putt-putt golf with Daddy.

Playing a pinball game.

Playing Plinko!

Beanbag toss!

Sliding down a super slide! He LOVED this slide!