My sister Kara and her husband Paul, were finally able to make the trip to Galveston to see their home and the damage sustained by Hurricane Ike. Upon first arrival, their home truly looked like it survived without major damages. However, upon inspection, it was quickly noted that their home did take a direct hit from the storm, and they did have significant damage to a lot of personal property. They endured approximately 6 feet of water in their garage (entire 1st floor of their home) from the surge of the storm; lost a lot of personal property in the garage (lawn mower, weed eater, bikes, barbeque/smoker, hot water heater, etc...and a lot more!); lost all landscaping, trees, grass, etc. They spent all day Saturday throwing ruined personal belongings out to the street, and attempting to clean what was left. They still have no electricity, gas, or potable water---or jobs in Galveston for that matter! So after a long day of work, they headed back inland. Paul has been relocated to San Antonio to continue his residency training in anethesia until UTMB opens back up. Here are some pictures of their home...

Paul and Kara have been able to find a little humor in this tragedy...

Can clearly see the water level line on this wall...approximately 6 feet!

Ruined personal property...

Notice all the toxic mud and debris on the floor...this was everywhere...on everything!

Paul sweeping out some of the toxic mud.

Kara, taking a break...notice the flood boots...and mask they had to wear!

Upon first arival...looks pretty good. The second story of their home, the living quarters, was clean and had no damage. And without heavy inspection, the roof looked good too.

Dead landscape.

More ruined personal property...scattered everywhere.

Ruined bathroom...

Two huge fallen trees...somehow missed falling on their gazebo.
Kara and Paul were very lucky, compared to some of the damages their neighbors endured. Kara and Paul's home is only one of 3 on their block that had elevated living quarters. The water came within inches of their 2nd story living floors. They commented that the island truly looked like a "war zone". We are all so thankful that they evacuated safely, because no matter what they lost of personal property, their lives are the most important!