Emma is one month old today!! Wow! Time has flown by since she was born!! At her one month, here's what Emma is doing:
- feeds every 2-3 hours during the day
- goes to bed between 6:30-7:30pm and sleeps for approximately 7 hours straight, feeds, goes right back to bed for another 3-4 hours
- has 2 night feedings on average and gets up for her day between 7-8am
- is tracking people and objects with her eyes
- recognizes mommy and occasionally smiles
- starting to coo, but gets startled by her own voice
- takes Axid for her reflux twice a day (which is very well controlled right now--yea!)
- really only cries when she is hungry, sleepy, or wants a change in position (ie, "get me out of this bouncer mom!")
- loves when her brothers sit in front of her bouncer and talk to her
- is an overall happy baby!!