Friday, May 20, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Preschool Mother's Day Brunch
Tuesday's Treasure

The solution? E-Mealz! I came across E-Mealz from Dave Ramsey's website. Anyone who is familiar with Dave Ramsey knows that he is a proponent of cutting excessive spending, sticking to a budget, and simplifying your life. E-Mealz provides a weekly menu, the corresponding grocery list. The menus are concise and easy; and the grocery list is separated into sections, corresponding to the area of the grocery store that you will find the item. They also designate the meal associated with the grocery item, so if I don't think I will make a certain meal, I can cross the grocery items off the list easily! There are a lot of meal plan options: Low Fat, Low Carb, Gluten Free, Portion Control, Vegetarian, and Regular meal plans for 2-6 people. I started the E-Mealz plan in the month of April, and my entire family is happy! ALL the meals that I have prepared are delicious!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Logan received his first set of stitches last week. Logan and Ben were playing with their dinosaurs in the living room, when Logan tripped and fell onto a wicker basket. The basket had started to fall apart, and there was a piece of wicker that was exposed and Logan fell straight onto it. I saw it all happen, and I saw how deep it went in....classic puncture wound. The wound only needed 2 stitches, but almost went directly through to his oral cavity. Poor baby, he was so brave. Never cried while he got the stitches---he was "still as a soldier" and was rewarded with Chick-Fil-A afterwards. Mommy was just so glad that his wound wasn't farther up on his's quite scary thinking what could have been wounded (and lost). He is healing nicely and got his stitches removed this past Saturday.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Easter Weekend 2011
Obviously, the big event for the kids (besides playing with Uncle Paul and Aunt Kara!), was Easter day with church and 2 egg hunts! We started the night before and let Ben dye some hard-boiled eggs. He had never done this before, and thought it was great. :-)
After church on Sunday, the Easter bunny had visited Mimi and Gran's house. The boys got to hunt the eggs at their house and then we enjoyed an incredibly delicious Easter lunch that Mimi had prepared. She went all out---china, silver, and fine linens. It was marvelous. We ate so much we could hardly move! My mouth still waters at the thought of the ham she made...yum!
Parkhills Preschool FIESTA Parade!
No posts in April???
We spent a weekend in Port O'Connor. Just the Hoods. It was extremely windy, but we enjoyed our time together. Randy and I relaxed on the porch, the boys played in the pool, we grilled fresh gulf shrimp, and took the boys to the beach to hunt for seashells and hermit crabs. We had a really good, relaxing time.