The boys diggin for fossil bones!
Every time we go to the Witte, Ben asks for me to take his picture on this elephant. This is the obligatory photo! :-)
I can't believe how long it has taken me to put up a new blog post! Wow...but I do have some really good excuses. Would you like to hear them? ;-)
Well, since you all started on Thursday, June 17th (yes, just a mere 3 days after my last post)... I was driving home from work one night and I called Randy to let him know I was heading home, and his reply was, "well, you can't imagine what happened here tonight..." Oh boy. Of course, the mommy in me was thinking one of the boys has really hurt himself tonight...or got sick...etc. No, what Randy was referencing was that after he got the boys out of the bathtub, dressed in their pj's, he went downstairs to find everyone's "Lovey's" and "Blankie's", and he started hearing this weird noise from the kitchen. So he went in to see what it was...and yes, there was water flooding out of the kitchen ceiling (right below the boys bathtub); it was coming out of the recessed lights, out of the sheetrock ceiling---it was just a full-blown flood in the kitchen.
And all I could think Dad's 60th Birthday party is in one week...we're having tons of people and I am going to be out of a bathroom....there's going to be a gigantic hole cut out of my ceiling in my kitchen...What am I going to do???
Obviously, I called the home warranty company (which I loathe) to come out to fix the plumbing problem---and after a lot of psychotic tyraids on the phone with this lovely company (I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice), the plumbing problem was fixed...but they wouldn't repair this:
That's right. They wouldn't fix the gigantic hole in my ceiling that was cut out to repair the problem! Thankfully, we are friends, and loyal patrons, with a wonderful contractor and they came and saved my day.
So, problem #1 fixed.
Problem #2 quickly emerged, and also involved my lovely home warranty company. Which in turn also involved more psychotic tyraids on behalf of yours truly---to get my A/C fixed. Of which, did get fixed, but has left another gigantic hole in my garage ceiling because my condensation pipe was leaking, which left my garage flooded. So yes, we need another ceiling repair.
And in the meantime, I was up to my elbows helping my mom plan and get ready for my Dad's 60th Birthday party. The party was a blast; we had over 80 people come celebrate with us! (And unfortunately all the pictures that were taken are on my mom's camera, so I don't have any pics to post.) The party was catered with a fajita buffet; the Margarita Man catered the delicious margaritas; and my dad was completely overwhelmed by the love and friendship of so many friends and family that came. It was a really fun time.
So, with all that, and all that life brings a stay-at-home mom on a daily basis...I was pretty busy and really neglected my blog. ;-)