Ben driving at the Tomorrowland Speedway at the Magic Kingdom! He loved steering the cars and pushing the pedal!
Friday, January 29, 2010
More Disney Pics...
Ben driving at the Tomorrowland Speedway at the Magic Kingdom! He loved steering the cars and pushing the pedal!
Character Dining at WDW
Breakfast at the Beach Club resort. Ben loved his Mickey waffles! (Just look at the joy on his face!)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
WDW---The Day of the Dinosaurs
Disney World Marathon, January 9th
But, Randy, I, and the kids bundled up and headed to the finish line to capture some memories for Mom and Dad. However, as soon as we got into the park, the weather worsened and I made a "Mommy-decision" to get my babies out of the horrible weather. So, I sent Randy to the finish line and told him to take pictures!
Here is our "Incredible" Gran, and "Wonder Woman" Mimi, approaching the finish line!
(Just kidding, these are just some of the other crazy people that participated!)
Mom is in the bright, hot pink jacket and Dad is to her right in the gray jacket.
Their actual finish time was 3 hours 36 min! Way to go Mimi and Gran!
(The clock displayed on the picture is the actual gun time, but they didn't walk over the start time pad for over 30 min after the start gun fired.)
My cousins, Michael and Courtney Rees also participated in the Disney Marathon! This is the 2nd marathon my mom has participated with Michael and Courtney---they were all in the San Antonio Rock-n-Roll Marathon, Nov 2008. Courtney's mom also participated!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Reading Together
I have been getting so many requests from friends and family for a blog update on our Disney World trip! BUT...I am STILL sorting through our photos and hopefully in the next week I will have a Disney blog! We had a BLAST---and everything was so MAGICAL for Ben. Ben's face was priceless, and there were so many times that I just had tears in my eyes at the sheer joy on his face. Logan also had a wonderful time and loved riding the rides just as much as his big brother! He was such a good baby.
So, in the meantime, here is a picture of my sweet boys, reading books together after bath time.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Daddy Time!
Logan loves to imitate everything he sees his big brother and Daddy do. This includes playing the Wii. If either, or both of them, are playing the Wii, Logan has to have his own controller, pretending he is playing too! I guess time will come very shortly, that we will have to buy a 3rd controller for Logan! If nothing else, it is good, fun time the boys have with their Daddy.
Falling into Leaves
Big Shoes to Fill
And those shoes are hard to fill....but here is one proud baby trying his darndest to be like his Daddy. These boys love their Daddy more than anything...
Christmas 2009
Here are some family photos of our Christmas morning.
Ben and Logan, on Christmas Eve night, ready for bed----and ready for Santa!
The Christmas loot from Santa!
My Hood boys anxiously awaiting to see what Santa brought them on Christmas morning!
Ben is really into dinosaurs. Have I told you that before? I mean, really into dinosaurs. He can name all dinosaurs, tell you if they are herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores, tell you what prehistoric period they lived in (whether jurassic, cretaceous, etc), and even tell you some stats about his favorite dinosaurs (how tall, how big, etc). The kid is REALLY into dinosaurs. SO, all he asked for was a "Spinosaurus". Now, most people don't know who Spinosaurus is....well, Ben will tell you that Spinosaurus was the meanest, deadliest dinosaur that ever lived. Even meaner than T-Rex. But with the general public, lest most children, not knowing who or what a Spinosaurus is....can you imagine the trouble that Santa encountered finding a Spinosaurus to add to his dinosaur collection? Ummm, yeah.
Logan playing peekaboo through his new Farm House Fisher Price toy. He loves it!