Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010: A Year in Review
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
One more Christmas celebration...
Christmas Morning
Here is a cute, bed-head picture of the boys, waiting to go downstairs!
Christmas Eve
This is Laura (9) and Evan (6)---our sweet nieces.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Ben's surgery
Ben had surgery yesterday. After 3 years, Ben's port-a-cath finally gave out. It is actually surprising that it lasted as long as it did---most ports in young children don't last more than 2 years, due to growth they experience in their young lives. We were fortunate to have his port for 3 years. So, while he is currently deemed "medically stable", we decided the best thing for Ben was to remove the port, and not replace it at this time. We think this is the best decision for Ben, physically, psychologically, and emotionally. He is still under close supervision for his Primary Immune Deficiency, but is not requiring infusions at this time. It is truly a medical marvel that he is doing so well, because his labs still look very poor. We just thank God everyday for a healthy, happy, and thriving little boy.
Ben did marvelously yesterday at the hospital. There was a little crying and the constant request to just leave and go home, but overall, Ben did really good. His surgery was postponed until nearly 1pm---but he pulled through surgery great. His recovery was the easiest one yet, and as soon as he sat up, he was asking for popcicles. We were so glad to take him home. We laid in our bed together and watched a movie; and then went up to Mimi and Gran's house to eat dinner and pick up Logan. The surgeon allowed Ben to keep his port, and he has been so proud to show it off to everyone, like show-n-tell.
In pre-op holding...the wait was almost over.
In the elevator, going home.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Do you see what I see?
(To the tune of the famous Christmas carol, "Do you see what I see?")
Said this mommy to bloggers everywhere,
Do you see what I see?
Hiding in the bush, little man
Do you see what I see?
A child, A child, playing in the yard
May he stay sweet and playful for life
May he stay sweet and playful for life
Rees Christmas Reunion
The picture is a little small, but here are the family members, from left to right:
Back row: Michael Rees, Bill Rees
Front row: Kristen, Randy, Logan and Ben Hood; Paul, Kara and Stretch Ford; Dick and Melinda Rees; Deanna Rees; and Mary Jane Magill.

And if you look closely, this picture is different! My brother and his family surprised my mom and dad by driving down to San Antonio on Sunday morning. They followed us to church and joined us for the service! My mom was so surprised! Uncle Dick, Aunt Melinda and Michael had already left for Houston, but we took another family portrait.
Polar Express
Ben's 5th Birthday
A dinosaur cake, of course!
Randy and I had a good time helping Logan bowl. They had a really cool "guide" to help Logan bowl---which lasted about 2 rounds. When he saw how the "big kids" were bowling (without the aide of the guide) he wanted to do it like them!
Logan and his buddy Oliver, loved hanging out at the ball return. They would elbow each other out of the way to be the first to catch it!
We were so happy that Paty (our nanny) and her girls (Evelyn and Montserrat) joined us for the birthday party! The girls were very good at bowling!
After an hour of bowling, we all enjoyed some pizza in the party area....
...And then it was cake and ice cream time! Ben loved blowing out all of his candles!
And as Ben was unwrapping birthday gifts, Logan was snatching them and hiding away under the tables to start playing with them! Sneaky little guy...