Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Funny Toddler Quotes!
2. Ben and I were swinging on his playground in the backyard talking about the concept of "family". We started talking about each other's full names, like "Benjamin Aaron Hood", etc. And Ben recited his full name as well as Logan's full name (Logan Rees Hood). I asked him what Mommy and Daddy's full names were, and he said "Mommy Aaron Hood" and "Daddy Rees Hood". I said, "well actually, Mommy's name is 'Kristen Nicole Rees Hood'"...and Ben promptly said, "Mommy, you have a cold?" (Get it? Nicole...cold?)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Another Immunology Update...
This was Logan's first visit...he failed his Newborn Screen and we were required to follow up with a specialist. They performed a thorough physical exam and drew labs on Logan. Tests confirmed that Logan does have Sickle Cell trait. Meaning, he does not have the Sickle Cell disease. Only one of his two genes for hemoglobin were marked for Sickle Cell. Basically, this should never pose a problem for Logan growing up. When Logan decides to marry and start a family, he and his wife should go in for genetic counseling to make sure his partner does not also have any Sickle Cell trait or disease in her family---because that would make their children have the disease. There are also some professions that Logan will not be allowed to pursue, such as being an astronaut, pilot, professional scuba diver, etc. I guess every little boy's dream of flying to the moon will be out of the question for our little man!
For Ben, they drew more labs to see if (by chance) his body has started to respond and make more antibodies to protect him. The results came back, and they were not good. Unfortunately, Ben still has no protection from the pneumococcal disease. This news was so hard for me to digest, since Ben has not been sick since September! Flabberghasted, I asked the doctor, "how could this be"? He gave me some logical answers that perhaps (1) Ben hasn't been exposed enough to the "bug" to have acquired an infection (although he didn't think this was likely considering Ben is in MDO twice a week and that we are still in the cold and flu season); (2) Maybe other parts of Ben's immune system have matured and have "picked up where others drop off"; and (3) He said, "and if you are a faithful person, then perhaps the Grace of God is on him." Every part of that answer made sense to me! I know the Lord will sustain Ben, but at times when his lab work keeps coming back negative, I feel so weighted down in grief and sadness that my little boy has to keep enduring sickness and hospital visits. Randy and I have been so comforted by our friends and family who have prayed and continue to pray for Ben's health. We believe so much in the power of prayer. And the power of prayer is obvious, because Ben is healthy, thriving and so happy. He reminds us every day of the promise that spring is around the corner...
Bathroom Remodel
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Ben's 1st self-portrait
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Logan laughing...at Ben!
It seems the simplest things in life can be the most fun! Earlier today, Logan and I were sitting in front of the Ben swinging, and Logan started laughing hysterically! He thought Ben was so funny swinging. Before we knew it, we (Ben and Mommy) were laughing so hard at Logan! The entire scene was quite funny...if our neighbors were outside, they probably thought we were silly! So this evening, after Randy returned home from work (yes, on a Sunday!), we tried to recreate the scene. Logan doesn't laugh quite as much as he did the first time, but you can definitely see how amused he is of his brother. It's amazing how enamored Logan is with Ben. Logan is only 3 months old and thinks his brother is the coolest thing ever! ;-)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Family Pictures
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Jesus Loves Me (even if I pick my boogers!) ;-)
Ben loves singing songs. Here he is singing "In My Bible". You gotta watch for the dramatic ending... Too funny!